Monday, May 3, 2010

Plan B: What Do You Do When God Doesn’t Show Up in the Way You Thought He Would? by Pete Wilson

Pete Wilson in Plan B takes his readers through various stages of what happens when one’s plans fall apart, or as Wilson says what happens when God doesn’t show up the way you planned. As a pastor, Wilson lives and works among those experiencing personal tragedies and triumphs. Wilson sprinkles his book with stories of these folks and their Plan B experiences along with Biblical principals pulled from the lives of Biblical figures and the teachings of Jesus. In the end, Wilson admits he does not have easy answers for those facing a Plan B. He readily admits he has no Bow to tie his book together with easy to follow steps to walk one through a Plan B. However he does constantly turns us back to God. He reminds us that God does not change, that God keeps his promises, that God uses Plan B to strengthen our faith in him, and regardless of the resolution and our own perceptions of it, He will finish what he started. In the end, while there may not be easy answers, we do have God and his love for us.

I read this book in the middle of my own Plan B situation, in fact, maybe a few Plan Bs. So I found the book timely and encouraging. It was a long time ago since I wanted to be an astronaut and not that long ago my heart screamed to be in fulltime ministry. It has become clear throughout these experiences, Wilson is right. As rough as I may have felt the situation was at times, God clearly was with me. And I have had to constantly reconfigure my own view towards planning. I now find that when I am open to the movement of God, I am less likely to be shattered by plans that did not happen and also have greater rewards. I also appreciate Wilson’s frankness. He does not attempt to set up 7 easy steps towards success in my plan B. Instead he shows how Jesus, Joseph and others from the Bible faced their Plan Bs (both successfully and poorly). I honestly appreciate that he does not try to solve every problem with a Band-Aid of clichés. In the end, Wilson had crafted a nice resource for those facing challenges to their hopes and dreams.
Review Copy provided by Thomas Nelson